System component.


File management is a one of the most visible component of operating system. Computer can store information are several different types of physical media magnetic tape, magnetic disk and optical disk are the most common media. Each of disk media as its own charastric as it own physical organization. A file its a collections of related information define by its creator. Commonly files represented program and data. data files may be a numeric alphabetic or alpha numeric. Files may be a free from or may be a formated rigidly. A file consist of a sequence of bits, bytes line or records.

Whose meanings are define by the creators the concept of file is an extreamly general one.

File are normaly organized in to directory to is there use finally when multiple uses have access to a file. We may want to control by whom and it want ways - read, write, append files may be access.

* Creating and deleting a file.

* Creating and deleting directory.

* Supporting premitive for manipulating files and directory.

* Maping files on to secondary storage.

* Backing a file on stable storage media.