Variable, Symbols and operators.

A Variable is data name that may be used to store a data value it remains changed during the execution as a program example it takes different values at different times. It is a symbolic name given to the memory location where the data is stored the user is allowed to access the memory location through this variables name are declared in the begining of a program before the executional statements in the program.

Rules for Variables:

1. They must begin with letter some systems permit underscore as the first character.
2. ANSI 'C' recognizes 31 characters. But generally 8 characters are used for variable naming.
3. Uppercase lower case variables are treated as different variables.
4. Variable name should not be a keyword.
5. White space is not allowed.



Symbols and Operators:

'C' Supports some special characters for specific purposes.


[ ]
( )

Operator is a symbol which performs some action on operators.


+, -, *, /, %, <, >, >=, <= etc.